A Guide to Old Fashioned Whiskey and Cocktail Recipes, Old Fashioned whiskey, Cocktail Glass, Old Fashioned Whiskey GLASS

A Guide to Old Fashioned Whiskey and Cocktail Recipes

Whether you’re a whiskey aficionado or simply looking to mix up your next cocktail, we’ve got you covered with our guide to old fashioned whiskey and cocktail recipes.

For the perfect Old Fashioned, you’ll need a good quality whiskey, some sugar, a few dashes of bitters, and a twist of citrus. Start by mixing the sugar, bitters, and whiskey in a glass, then add a large ice cube and stir until chilled. Garnish with a twist of lemon or orange peel and enjoy.

Not a fan of the old fashioned? No problem. There are plenty of other great whiskey cocktails out there. Try a whiskey sour, a Manhattan, or a whiskey neat. No matter what your taste, there’s a whiskey cocktail out there for you.

So, grab a Whiskey Glass and mix up your next cocktail with our guide to old fashioned whiskey and cocktail recipes. Cheers!

What are Old Fashioned Whiskey Glasses?

is an Old-fashioned Whiskey Glass, also known as a rocks glass, which is typically short and squat with a thick base. They are designed to be filled with ice and then your whiskey on the rocks. This type of glassware allows you to properly swirl your drink and release the flavors and aromas.

old fashioned whiskey glasses, whiskey glasses, japanese whiskey glasses, handmade whiskey glass

Why use Colored Cocktail Glasses?

When it comes to cocktails, there are many ways to enhance the flavor and aesthetic of the drink. One way to do this is by using Colored Cocktail Glasses. There are several reasons why you might want to use colored cocktail glasses.

One reason is that the color of the glass can change the way that the drink tastes. For example, a red drink might taste slightly sweeter than a drink that is served in clear glass. This is because the color red is associated with sweetness.

colored cocktail glasses, cocktail glass,

Another reason to use colored cocktail glasses is for aesthetic reasons. Different colors can create different moods and atmospheres. For example, a blue cocktail might create a calming and relaxing atmosphere, while a bright green cocktail might create a more festive and fun atmosphere.

Finally, colored cocktail glasses can be used to indicate the type of drink that is being served. For example, you might want to use a different color for each type of drink. This can make it easier for your guests to identify the type of drink that they want to drink.

How to make a Whiskey Old Fashioned?

Making Whiskey Old Fashioned is a simple process that can be easily customized to fit your taste. In general, you will need whiskey, sugar, bitters, and ice.

Fill a rocks glass with ice. Add 2 ounces of whiskey and 1/2 ounce of sugar. Add a few dashes of bitters. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.

The best old-fashioned whiskey recipes

There are so many recipes for whiskey out there, but these are some of the best old-fashioned recipes that will guarantee you a good drink.

For the first recipe, you will need: 

  • 2 oz of whiskey 
  • 1 tsp of sugar 
  • 3 dashes of bitters 

Add all of the ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into a glass.

For the second recipe, you will need: 

  • 2 oz of whiskey 
  • 1 oz of cherry liqueur 
  • 1 oz of orange juice 

Add all of the ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into a glass.

Both of these recipes are perfect for when you want a good old-fashioned whiskey drink.

Best brands of whiskey for Old Fashioned cocktails

When it comes to making old fashioned cocktails, there are a few different whiskeys that work well. Some of the best brands for this type of drink include Jack Daniels, Maker's Mark, and Woodford Reserve. Each of these whiskeys has a unique flavor that will enhance your old-fashioned cocktail.

5 amazing cocktail recipes for old-fashioned Whiskey Glasses

Here are five amazing recipes that will show you just how versatile these glasses can be.

For the Classic Old Fashioned:

In a rocks glass, combine 1 sugar cube, 2 dashes of bitters, and 1 oz of hot water. Stir to dissolve the sugar cube, then add 1.5 oz of bourbon. Add a few ice cubes and stir well. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.

For the Mint Julep:

In a julep cup or rocks glass, combine 1.5 oz of bourbon, .75 oz of simple syrup, and 6 fresh mint leaves. Muddle the mint leaves in the bottom of the glass, then add ice cubes. Stir well and garnish with a sprig of mint.

For the Apple Cider Whiskey Sour:

In a shaker glass, combine 1.5 oz of bourbon, .75 oz of lemon juice, .75 oz of apple cider, and 1 tsp of honey. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a slice of apple.

For the Whiskey Sour:

In a shaker glass, combine 1.5 oz of bourbon, .75 oz of lemon juice, and .75 oz of sugar. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

For the Southern Comfort Hurricane:

In a hurricane glass, combine 2 oz of Southern Comfort, 1 oz of cranberry juice, .5 oz of lime juice, and .5 oz of grenadine. Stir well and top with 6 oz of Sprite. Garnish with a maraschino cherry and a lime wedge.

For the Tom Collins:

In a Collins glass, combine 1.5 oz of gin, .75 oz of lemon juice, and .75 oz of sugar. Stir well and top with club soda

Thanks for reading! We hope this guide has helped you to choose the perfect colored cocktail glass for your next party. Cheers!


Looking to add a touch of elegance to your home bar? Check out our Collection of Whiskey Glasses, perfect for enjoying Old Fashioned Whiskey Cocktails. With five amazing recipes to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect drink for your taste. And don't forget, whiskey is the perfect drink to enjoy on a cold winter night.

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